If you need to make your voice more beautiful by higher or lower the pitch, or make your voice sound like someone else’s, for example, record a song in a female voice and make it sound like a man’s voice, etc. You can use Easy Video Maker to higher or lower the audio pitch, that’s very easy and visual to operate. Here is a step by step tutorial on how to do it.
Step 1, open Easy Video Maker and click the upper left Plus button, then click “Import / Add Video” or “Import / Add Audio” to import the video file or audio file into the software, or use shortcut key “Ctrl + 1” or “Ctrl + 3“. Then drag the video down into Video Line, or drag the audio down into Audio Line.

Step 2, right click on the video or audio, then select “Audio -> Audio Pitch -> a value” from right-click function menu to make the audio pitch higher or lower. The higher value of pitch will make the voice more female, the lower value of pitch, will make the voice more male.

Please note: if check option “0(Normal)“, the program won’t change the pitch of the video or audio.
Step 3, At last, click the Export button on the right side of the software to export a new video. In this way, you get the new video after changing the pitch.